Hey wait! I swear I’m not dead yet!
Okay, you couldn’t really tell considering how I somehow neglected to post anything for an entire year.
Well, better late than never, right? Right? Okay, here are a few things I worked on in 2011, in no particular order:
Napkin Rings:

My daughter’s school held a fundraising auction, and I donated these. Apparently, they were the highest-bid item on the list. :)
Belt Holster:

Not one of my best works, but not bad for my first prototype of a formed-leather project. For this, I soaked the leather in water and then pinned it over a wooden form I had made approximating the shape of the multi-tool I always carry. Several months of daily wear has smoothed it out a bit and it actually looks better now.
Archery Armguard:

The prototype that never got finished. I got this far on it and realized that I had made a mistake in the knotwork. (Gah!) It’s also the last piece of that particular black leather I had, and I don’t think it will hold up well to having the stitches ripped and a replacement carving sewn back on, so I’m waiting to replenish my supplies before I get on with this one. I never did figure out how I was going to strap it to my forearm either…
Leather Valet:

This was the Girlfriend’s Xmas present for 2010. She was forever forgetting where she had emptied her pockets after coming home, so I made a memorable place for her. You can’t tell from the photo, but the area around the rose is a deep blue, while the outer ring is a forest green. This project proved how invaluable a stitching horse can be.
Upcoming projects, if I ever manage to get around to them:
Sword frog, a cover for my new e-book reader, a harness for my own sword (shoulder-style)…